martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

The Garden Drainage

Our gardens can present problems with the excess or the shortage of water. It depends on the place of our gardens, the rainfall and the climatic zone.

If we take advantage of our climate, on a damp zone we can turn our humid field on a marshy garden. If we are on a desert zone, we should work with drought-resistant plants.

If despite our climatic zone we want a different field plan of the garden, we should use a drainage system for humid fields or an irrigation system for desert fields.

Drainage Systems

A bad drainage of our gardens limits the kind of plants that can be grown. The bad drainage favors the appearance of bacteriums and fungus diseases, or even the appearance of lichens and moss on the grass.

If the ground retains water naturally, or the ground water table is high, the installation of ground drainages is required.

The next pictures are of a work I did in my garden. The ground type is clayey and in winter it rains a lot and sometimes my garden floods, making it impassable. This means drowning and diseases problems for the plants.

I decided to put a drainage system with a buried PVC pipe. The next materials were necessary:

- String for marking the excavation line.
- Spade and hoe for excavation works.
- Hand Drill for making holes on the manhole.
- Geotextile cloth to avoid that land remains and the roots of trees block the drainage pipes.
- Ø62,4” PVC perforated pipe.
- Gravel
- Concrete prefabricated manhole 11,7”x11,7”

Replan with the help of a string

Manhole excavation

Trench excavation

Placing the geotextile cloth and the Ø62,4” PVC perforated pipe

Pipe with manhole

Gravel dumping over the pipe

Closing the net over the trench and starting to fill in with land

Cover the trench with land and planting grass seeds

Grass growth

Irrigation Systems

On gardens where the ground doesn´t have enough water it will be necessary to install an irrigation system according to their needs.

Located Irrigation System

For clumps, plants or even pots, the better and the most efficient form is a perforated pipe system, or one dropper.
The pipe is a discreet color porous hose, with some spaced holes. It is put on the base of the plants we want to irrigate. It is recommended to cover the hosepipe with pine barks or decorative grains to prevent evaporation looses.
It is also a very interesting system to water the orchard.

Spreading Irrigation System

The Spreading Irrigation System spreads water on a wide area. This method involve more or less a heavy rain with the objective of soaking the wanted area.

The irrigation consist on a high speed stream of water that is dispersed in the air into a drops group.

Parts tan conform the system:

- Pump
- Principal and secondary pipes.
- Emitter. Sprinkler.

Advantages and disadvantages with Irrigation Systems


- Reduction of the evaporation of the ground, and savings because we irrigate only where needed.
- Possibility to automate all the irrigation system. 
- We do not wet the plants avoiding future phytosanitary problems.
- Pipes obstruction when time passes by.


- High installation cost.
- We can add fertilizer to the water of irrigation.

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