domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

Black Mulberry

Name: Black Mulberry

Latin name: Morus nigra

Foliage:  Deciduous

Mature height: Robust tree from 32ft to 49ft lenght.

Description: It´s a tree belonging to the family Moraceae, native to southwestern Asia, where it has been cultivated for so long that its precise natural range is unknown.

It´s a fast growing tree.

It has dense branching, with long branches, divergents and spreaded out. In a group, they make a wide, generally irregular rounded top, that gives a big shadow.
The black mulberry gives a magnificent fruits that makes a large cultivation worthy.

Soil and Location: In any kind of land, in the sun or light shadow. In rich and well drained land. It´s very resistant

It can support frosts of -0ºF

It is raised in fresh and light grounds. The Black Mulberry does not support well the very dry and hotty areas.

Irrigation: In spite of growing well in non-irrigated lands, if they are watered with continuation, his production will be increased and it will grow better.

Pruning: It should be pruned before the growing period starts in order to avoid the waste of sap through the wound, and not to weak the plant. As this is a deciduous specie, prune it from the end of winter to beginning of the spring.

A better production of fruits and bigger leafs will be obtained if we prune it drastically. If not, the fruits’ production and size will grow during the tree´s growth.

Reproduction: His reproduction is done mainly from a riped branch cutting, with an undamaged grey-brownish coloured bark. It can be reproduced too by sown sheeds in spring.

Interesting notes: Apart from its use asncultivation tree, it is used as ornamental tree on gardens, promenades and streets.

His wood is used for producing furniture and in tool´s handle.

The mulberries are edible. They can be consumed directly from the tree or processed as decorative element or as complement in tons of products; patisserie, dairies, jams, liquors, etc. They are rich in C vitamin.

They need to be consumed as soon as they ripen as the mulberries deteriorate quickly.

Our garden birds will thank the tasty fruits of this tree.

The leafs of the Black Mulberry have been used since ancient times as food for the silkworms.

In the past, the bark, the leafs and the black mulberry roots were used as diuretic, tonic and vermifuge.

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